About Us
At Breeze Hill, we strive to be proactive in our pursuit of excellence and our use of research-based educational strategies. We utilize technology to target instruction, and assessment, and to analyze data. We believe in ongoing staff development and peer modeling, sharing our best instructional practices school-wide. We volunteer to serve on curriculum committees. We take on leadership roles. We strive to embrace all avenues that lead to strengthening Common Core standards-based instructional practices. We acknowledge and value our diverse student population.
Breeze Hill sets the highest possible academic and personal expectations for students. Staff members are role models of courtesy, respect, determination, perseverance, and personal achievement. In addition, we work collaboratively with families to ensure a healthy community connection. Our goal is for each student to experience a sense of pride through positive accomplishments, mastery of grade-level standards, and the development of meaningful relationships.
Breeze Hill is home to approximately 800 TK-Grade 5 students. Breeze Hill provides a continuum of services to students with IEPS. Our Special Education and General Education teams are committed to providing students with an inclusive environment where all students are given access to the Least Restrictive Environments to the greatest degree possible.
Our Yearly Focuses:
We ensure our student’s behavioral successes as we continue our journey to follow the 5 Pillars: Welcome, Do No Harm, Choice Words, Never Too Late to Learn, and Best School in the Universe combined with PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports). This provides our students with a positive school climate and a safe environment. With this continued commitment to providing students with a positive, safe school climate, our students can focus on learning. Additionally, we infuse the 16 Habits of Mind to help students become active agents in their learning.
Teachers continue to participate in the professional development of Common Core State Standards, Professional Learning Communities, project-based learning, Integrated, and Designated ELD Instruction strategies, personalized learning & differentiated instruction to meet the needs of all learners.
Students have daily opportunities to work collaboratively to develop critical thinking, communication skills, and creative solutions to real-world problems.
ELD Instruction is provided daily to students identified as second language learners. The emphasis on language production and complex communication requires teachers to create learning opportunities that are powerful enough to prepare students to meet these objectives. Professional development time will include Common Planning Time & Instruction: curriculum mapping, academic discourse routines of high impact standards across content areas, teacher collaboration on metrics, language & content outcomes for CCSS, ELD Standards, classroom learning environment designed to meet EL needs, coaching observation protocol & instructional framework
Breeze Hill is committed to a Multi-Tiered System of a Support model for all students. MTSS addresses our students’ academic, behavioral, and social success. We have started a Coyote PAWS (Preparing Academically Wise Students) block at each grade level as part of this commitment. This block consists of differentiated teaching that provides individualized instruction for all students. This program includes a 30 - 45-minute block of time for each grade level during our English Language Arts instructional time. Teachers use a matrix of research-based programs to utilize for student support. All students in all grade levels have an opportunity to participate in either a block of Intensive Intervention, grade-level support, or enrichment instruction based on student needs.